Here are excerpts from several of my stories, including a few oldies-but-goodies:
Hunger Games: Managing Food Logistics Challenges When Demand Spikes
Since it hit restaurants in January 2019, the Impossible Burger, which is made from plants but offers the taste and texture of beef, has been on a roll. When the company launched in Gelson's Markets in southern California, the Impossible Burger zoomed to the top spot among packaged goods, outselling the next most popular product by a factor of six, the company reports. Impossible Foods, the company behind the burger, took several steps to meet demand.
It's Only Natural: The Challenges of Organic Food Logistics
From cold chain and cross contamination to scale, organic farmers are addressing challenges with technology and supply chain shifts.
Maritime Logistics in Ship Shape
While the prospect of higher tariffs and the cost of low-sulfur fuel requirements pose concerns for the maritime industry, it's forging ahead with bigger, more automated seaports, as well as technology that improves visibility, reduces its environmental impact, and streamlines operations.
OneUnited: Making a Difference
OneUnited Bank aims to both make money and make a difference. “We want to make banking—and purposeful, sound money management—‘cool’ within the black community,” says Teri Williams, president and COO. “It’s our mission and purpose and why we believe we exist.”
First Security Bancorp: Only in Arkansas
Consider Daffy and Dizzy Dean, brothers and professional baseball players during the 1930s. And the fiddle. And a museum dedicated to bauxite. At first glance, these items may seem to have little in common with each other, let alone a tie to banking. Of course, first glances often prove less than accurate. If you happen to be a proud Arkansan, you may have already connected the dots. And First Security Bancorp may have you in its crosshairs as a potential customer. Based in Searcy, Arkansas, First Security has flourished by doubling down on its Arkansas roots and catering to the in-state market.
Meal Delivery Services: You've Got to be Kitting Me!
Busy families, working couples, and singles who want to eat home-cooked meals but don't have the time to plan and shop are flocking to meal and meal kit delivery services.
Tax Planning Goes on Steriods, Global Finance, June 2016:
The OECD’s “Base Erosion and Profit Shifting” principles are being incorporated into tax laws in some nations, requiring more transparency from corporate treasury departments.
The ABCs of Supply Chain Compliance: Inbound Logistics, April 2016:
While supply chain professionals have always had to understand the regulations that impacted their supply chains and required their organizations' compliance, this role has become even more pronounced.
How 30-somethings can protect against ID theft,, November 2015:
For many people, their 30s are a fulfilling decade. They're getting married, buying homes and starting families -- all wonderful events that can catch the attention of identity thieves.
The dairy supply chain: from farm to fridge, Inbound Logistics, December 2015:
Automation not only streamlines the work, but it often allows farmers to produce more and better products, and to continually monitor the health of their herds. It also helps those products move from farms to consumers' tables more quickly and with greater visibility.
Protecting a company from geopolitical risk, ZurichVoice, July 2015
OECD moves forward on BEPS tax avoidance project, Global Finance, January 2015:
Legal tactics to avoid taxes come under pressure.
Refinancing? Should you move to a 15-year mortgage? AARPBulletin Today, June 2010:
With interest rates for 15-year mortgages at record lows, it’s not surprising that a growing number of homeowners are choosing to refinance with 15-year loans instead of the traditional 30-year.
A civics lesson on the back of a dollar bill? The Christian Science Monitor, December 16, 2003:
For the past six years, Randy Wright and his students have been on a quest to end what they see as a dismal state of ignorance about the U.S Constitution among their fellow citizens. Equally important, Mr. Wright, who teaches civics at Liberty Middle School in Ashland, Va., would like to expose America's friends - and foes - around the world to the ideals upon which the US was founded. To reach these goals, Wright and his students have spent countless hours trying to move the Liberty Bill Act, which would place a condensed version of the Constitution on the back of the $1 bill, through the US Congress.